2019 Bridge Class
If you are an existing USSF official (Grades 9-12), please visit the following link to register for the High School Bridge Class: https://ohsaa.org/Officiating/permits/category1 Any questions please contact Charlie Keaney: cjkeaney1@yahoo.com 7/16/20196:30 PM9:30...
2019 off-season training
We are happy to announce that we have two off-season training opportunities for 2019. #1. Tuesday, March 26th - 6:30PM - Faith Bible Church - 8130 E. Kemper Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45249 (next door to CHCA). Topic: (Match Analysis) #2. ...
2018 end of year updates
MIDWEST Soccer Officials Association On behalf of the Board of Directors, you'll find the election results below: Each position below is a two-year term: Treasurer - Dennis Schmidt (unopposed) Secretary - Mike Schuler - (unopposed) Trustees: (3 open ) Dave Burns...
2018 Business Meeting
2018 Business Meeting: Reminder: Our 2018 business meeting will be held at Kolping this year. We've upgraded the dinner and facility to a more traditional banquet center. We will be holding our annual officer voting, so if you are interested or know of someone...
2018 – Referee Night at Columbus Crew and FC Cincinnati
Hello: Just like in 2017, there will be two referee night's again this year. Yes, you can attend both and receive one local meeting credit for each night. ===================================================================== Game #1 Saturday, July 14 - 7:30PM (FCC vs....
Below are the results from the association voting. These results will be provided to OHSAA for the 2018 Post Season Tournament. You may reference the Tournament Officials Selection Process in its entirety in the officials handbook -...
Annual Banquet / Business Meeting
Year-end Business meeting and Banquet: Date: Thursday, November 16th Time: 6PM Location: Chamberlin Park Community Center (click here for map)
2017 Post-Season Rules
Attached are the OHSAA rules for post-season play. It's highly recommended that you have a copy at your matches. http://ohsaa.org/Portals/0/Sports/Soccer/soccerrgltstournament.pdf Thank you
Local Training ** Cancelled **8/15
We have cancelled the local training scheduled for Tuesday, August 15th.
Bridge Class – Dates
Do you know anyone looking to become a High School Soccer official?? For any USSF certified referee, who is interested in becoming certified to referee Ohio High School soccer games, a BRIDGE CLASS certification course is offered. Conducted by Charlie Keaney, it's...